Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day week-end; a time of reflection

I am glad it is Monday! I am glad that Mother's Day Week-end is behind us! It might sound odd as most of the world is thinking "ughh it’s Monday" and the Moms of this planet enjoyed a day of pampering yesterday. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed every minute of my day yesterday will my girls and my Mom but again, a holiday/occasion brings with it a reflection on what is missing.

The week-end began with grim discovery that "E"s beloved fish Penny had moved on. In my usual manner I ran upstairs in a panic and told my husband when I am gone with "E" to her Home Depot activity (They are SO much fun; visit Home Depot's Website for details) he had to go to the pet store and replace the fish. I really need to learn not to panic! As "E" & "C" and I began to make some pancakes I realized that the whole reason we got this aquarium was to teach "E" about life and death and learning to deal with the emotions attached to it. So calmly I explained to her that something sad had happened and I explained to her that Penny had become and angel and now has joined her previous fish Ariel. She was sad but this time was able to talk about the emotions; my little girl is growing up. We continued to make breakfast and then she said "Mom can I get a new fish?" and of course she could and so she proceeded to tell me "I want a white one this time because I want to call her Marshmallow!" Amazing the imagination of an almost 6 year old!

Mother's day morning started nice and early with "E", more excited than even on Christmas, telling me "OK Mommy you can open your present now!". It was the gift they made at school and it was more than amazing to observe her as I opened the gift. The happiness and the proudness that shone through her eyes and being was probably the best feeling I had all week-end. Hubby and the girls also got me a Magnolia Bush. Something every spring I wish for. The best part of it is that they chose a purple over a white one. Purple to signify my little angel "I" (Purple was the color of her nursery and we have continued to associate purple and a purple butterfly (print on the nursery curtains) to her). Every year since "I"'s passing my hubby has always somehow incorporated our Angel into the gift and for that I am so thankful. After breakfast as I heard the girls squealing in delight as they played with their Papa I did have my moment of thinking of "I". I held her picture so tight and cried. I miss her more than words can describe. It is true what has been said to me; You learn to function on a daily basis but a song, smell, an occasion brings all the feeling back to as if the loss was yesterday.

We then spent the afternoon with my Mom and "E" again was so excited to give her Babi the gift she "put alot of effort" into making. A simple plastic serving tray, some paint, some Modge Podge, 2 hand prints and the imagination of an almost 6 year old turned into a very personal gift.

As night time came I sat in bed and reflected on my day and my blessings. I am lucky because I am called Mom. I thought about some friends who have had to decide to end their journey to parenthood. So for those reading who have the chance to celebrate this day realize how truly blessed you are to hold a child, to love a child and to be called Mom (Thank you Small Bird Studios for the beautiful quote below).

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. How sweet! What a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing Karolyn :)
