Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why I've started blogging again

Since I held my first daughter "E" in my arms almost 6 years ago life in our little corner of the world has been more than challenging.  Not challenging in the way you might be thinking; raising a child, watching finances, keeping my relationship with my husband alive but challenging in the way of dealing with cancer, death of our second daughter, still birth of our son (among many other miscarriages).  This blog entry is not being written for any pity or to focus on these issues.  It is a mere reasoning as to why I've started blogging again.  If you are interested in reading more about those journeys you can do so by visiting my blog "On the Wings of Angels".  A blog I created to talk about adding to my family, a blog that has not been updated in almost a year, a blog which its last entry was a few months after the birth of my 2nd daughter? 3rd daugther? 4th child? "C".  Why?  I believe the answer lies in the fact that I am happy, not complete but happy and that blog was created in my struggles to give a sibling to my beautiful "E". So today I create a new blog; a blog that will chronicle my life in my dream career; A stay at home Mom to 2 beautiful children walking this earth and 2 more whose spirits are felt in our home every single day "I" and "S".

This blog will be sharing our daily joys, struggles, how we make things work on 1 income.  I will also include any great recipes I come across, couponing deals, DIY projects... I do hope you will follow our journey but even if I get no followers this will be a special place for me to share with my girls our life and how their childhood was spent.

If you are joining me on my journey welcome and I do hope we will have some wonderful travels together.  Please do bare with me as I start to publish entries and learn all about the world of blogging.

Thanks for reading!